Curated Resources for you: Remote Work Tree
Today is day 13 of the State of Emergency lock down in Spain and for me, the days are beginning to blur together. What is clear, is that even under intense and challenging conditions I have managed to keep working and moreover one project collaboration has reached fruition. Two weeks ago a conversation with Robert Kropp about the potential of a site which aggregated good quality remote work resources for individuals and managers was simply a seedling idea. Today it is live at Remote Work Tree.
A resource from Remote Work Tree
Regular discussions, messages, shared screens and hours of work has gone into what I like to call our “labour of love” side project and it is evidence of how good quality remote work can deliver simple but effective results. We aimed to collate, curate and present high-quality remote work resources for people thrown into this new world as they are forced to work from home during coronavirus. Presenting the information under different categories and limiting the amount presented to be selective.
So pop on over to Remote Work Tree and take a look, surf around and let us know what you think!
Take care & stay safe, Rowena and Robert